Thursday 30 October 2008

Saran untuk calon pelanggan Telkomsel flash :

saya banyak membaca kritik terhadap telkomsel flash di berbagai situs dan media massa. saya juga pengguna telkomsel flash (selanjutnya saya sebut T-flash) di Bandung. Selama saya berlangganan T-flash, saya belum menemukan masalah berarti, malahan saya rasakan cukup memuaskan. saya hanya perlu membayar Rp.125.000/bulan tetapi saya sudah mendapatkan quota unlimited (sebenarnya 3 Gb per bulan, apabila melebihi quota 3 Gb, kecepatan akan berkurang. tetapi itu bukan merupakan masalah) .koneksi internet yang saya dapatkan juga lumayan cepat, yaitu 256 kbps dengan kecepatan download hingga 50 kbps.

Saran untuk calon pelanggan Telkomsel flash :
1. jadilah pelanggan yang cerewet. tanya informasi sedetail mungkin tentang prosedur dan KAPAN T-flash dapat digunakan. soalnya, apabila operator belum menelpon dan menerangkan bahwa kartu T-flash sudah siap digunakan, kita akan dikenakan biaya normal 5 rupiah per kb (klo ga salah)
2. print segala macam kritikan terhadap Telkomsel flash, kemudian tunjukkan pada CS ketika kita mendaftar. pastikan kita tidak akan mengalami hal yang sama.
3. Pastikan APN : internet, karena kalau tidak kita akan dibebani biaya normal Rp. 5/kb
4. untuk kecepatan maksimal JANGAN GUNAKAN MODEM GPRS, tetapi gunakan modem HP yang sudah memiliki teknologi UMTS (3G) atau HSDPA (3,5 G). Saya sendiri sudah pernah menggunakan SE K810i, SE K610i, Nokia N73 dan Nokia N81 sebagai modem, dan hasilnya sama-sama memuaskan. Saya mendapatkan kecepatan maksimal dengan kecepatan download 30-50 kbps.
5. Gunakan Software bantuan untuk Download yang resumeable dan akselerator koneksi seperti Internet Download Manager, Orbit, Google web accelerator dll.
6. Telepon CS 111 secara regular (saya menelpon 2 minggu sekali) untuk menanyakan billing (apabila ada anomali, minta agar segera diinformasikan)
7. Gunakan koneksi via kabel data, karena lebih stabil, relatif cepat dan modem lebih mudah dikenali oleh PC.
8. Untuk IP, T-flash tidak memiliki dynamic IP seperti speedy (kalo ga salah).. jadi ati-ati y, jgn sembarangan,, kalo sampe IPnya di blok,, puyeeengg....

ini bukan artikel tendencius atau promosi, tapi ini adalah fakta fakta personal. Bulan sekarang saja, saya sudah mendownload lebih dari 3Gb, tetapi saya masih dapat konek walaupun kecepatannya menurun. jadi kesimpulannya, T-flash adalah solusi berinternet murah, hanya saja kita/pelanggan harus lebih jeli dan teliti. Sekian saja. mudah-mudahan berguna, mohon maaf apabila ada yang tidak berkenan. Tolong dikoreksi apabila terdapat informasi yang salah.

ps: untuk telkomsel agar menginformasikan segala sesuatunya lebih cepat dan terperinci kepada konsumen.

Sunday 26 October 2008

Indovision = unprofessional

I subscribed Indovision on wednesday 22 october 08, and I felt happy, becoz I applied through a promotion proggrame (free instalation fee). days went by, and on saturday 25th October 08, they installed the satellite dish and the decoder. the Installator said that the shows can be enjoyed after 3 hours of waiting, and then I said OOOKKK!!!! 3 hours of waiting was not a problem...
after I waited for 3 hours, my TV was still displaying "selamat datang di Indovision, silahkan tunggu sebentar (lama kaleee)...." and it was not a problem yet..
after 5 hours of restless waiting I phoned the operator, and I nagged to her (poor woman), and she said be patient for another couple of hours,, I sadly said OK!!!
Until the next day, the text ""selamat datang di Indovision, silahkan tunggu sebentar" was still displayed on my TV (WHAT THE F&CK!!!), I phoned the operator, sent them SMS, Email them, but there were no significant responds. the operator said that my card will be activated after 1x24 hours (*^!$*$£*!$)...
I became curious and I waited again for 24 hours, meanwhile I kept texting and emailing the operator. NOW AFTER 1x24 hours my f"£kin TV is still displaying "selamat datang di Indovision, silahkan tunggu sebentar"

WHat a system!!
I used to be an astro subscriber and when they installed the stuffs I could enjoy the shows directly at the moment...

Indovision = unprofessional = sloth = intransparant = bad coordination

Does Anybody have similar experience?? please share your comment

Monday 8 September 2008

I had a fight with ma'gurl friend..
I hope today we can make up,, and I'll get my share again.......


Friday 5 September 2008

trip to singapore

Last week, I had a trip to Singapore with my fellow IEC'ers for approximately 4 days.. We started the journey on August 28th. first, we went to Batam by using Airplane, and from Batam we used a jet boat to Front Harbour. Actually, this was my first dissapointment, because I wasn't told that we're going to Batam first. I thought that we're going directly to Changi Airport, but later I figured that sea cruise fiscal is a lot cheaper than a flight fiscal...
Tha trip was supposed to be an edufun journey, but strangely, I barely feel the sense of education in the trip. In my opinion, it was more like Shopping-fun journey... well, don't get cranky yet, let me explain why..
As soon as we arrived at Front Harbor, we were rushed to a building to ride a cable car that headed to Sentosa Island. at that moment, I was pretty much amused by the Singapore's city scene, and the gigantic cruise ship. this was fun part of the journey
After we landed at Sentosa Island, we went directly to beach station by using bullet train, and after that, I watched the most amazing, and relaxing show I've ever had, which was the song of the sea. the show was truly inspirational and definitely worth to watch. this was fun part of the journey.
we were completely stunned by the show, and the feeling still last until the present time. After watching the show, we had our dinner - steamboat style - we were supposed to boil all of the meal into a boiler which was provided to each of us. the meal wasn't that impressive. I still think that this was the fun part of the journey.
we went to the hotel for checking in, and to be frankly this was my second dissapointment, because our hotel was located at the redzone - prostitution area - of Singapore. Because of that matter, the comittee forbid us to go outside alone.
by the next morning, we went to the merlion park to see the mermaid-lion itself. Along the way, mr. Wang (the guide leader) explained about singapore's history.. how it was built, how singaporean government has preserved the park around Singapore, the tri-shaw, the historical sites, such as lau fan fa sa, raffles statue, the amphiteater, the microphone building (I forgot the name), the largest fountain in the world with five fingers building around it etc. this was the education part of the journey.
After few photo shoots and a brief explanation about how water can be defined as money, we went to a mall for some shoping time - the mall provide expensive items, so it's not important for me to remember it's name - . After that we went to china town to have another shopping time, and this time is way cheaper than before. this was the shopping part of the journey. After buying few things for families and friends, we went to the most prestigous mall in Singapore, which was Takashimaya mall.. we had a lunch at seoul garden restaurant. the lunch was splendid, it was a buffet, so basically all we can eat, and they provide everything.. from the appetizer, main course, desert and various kind of beverages. but we have to becarefull, because we're not allowed to left over foods (you'll get fined).. this was again the fun part of the trip.
after our stomach got stuffed because our gluttony, we went to little india (mustapha center) , again to have another shopping time by using MRT. this was the education part and also the shopping part of the trip. after another shopping time - well, actually it's a shopping time for those who got a lot of money, but for those who didn't have a lot of money, it's just another window shopping time - but it was interesting to know how the system works around little India.
We had an early dinner afterward, and this time was un-othentical Indonesian food. the next morning we headed back home, and while waiting the boarding time at Front Harbor, we're allowed to have - YES - another shopping time. this was again and again another shopping part of journey.
well, I didn't mean to adress complaints so hard,, but some people on the trip adressed similar complaints about this trip. I guess every person has different expectations. we - the ones who criticize - thought that the trip will be more educative, we thought that our main destination will be the museum, school or technology center. despite the fact that the trip was less educative, I'm proud to tell that I had a blast of fun during that trip...
well, that's all I guess,, I hope that my critics will bring good to the future planning..

Sunday 20 April 2008

Tukang Mbe..

hiji waktu aya tukang kambing anu janggotan jiga kambing dagang kambing di pasar kambing. kambing anu didagangkeun teh ngan dua, nuhiji warna hideunh, hijina deui warna bodas..geus rada lila nungguan, datang hiji pelanggan erek meuli kambing..

Pelanggan : kang, dagang kambing?
tkng kambing : henteu cep, dagang hitut.. nya kambing atuh, si encep teh kumaha!!
Pelanggan : Sabarahaan hijina kang?
Tkng kambing : Nu mana cep,, nu hideung atawa nu bodas??
PElanggan : Nu hideung..
Tkng kambing : Nu hideung mah 300 rebu..
Pelanggan : Ari nu bodas??
Tkng kambing : sarua 300 rebu oge..
Pelanggan : eeh heureui si akang mah.. Ari eta teh parabna naon??
Tkng kambing : Nu mana cep? nu hideung atawa nu bodas?
Pelanggan : Nu hideung..
Tkng kambing : nu hideung mah diparaban jukut cep!!
Pelanggan : Ari nu bodas??
Tkng kambing : sarua jukut oge.. maenyamah dibere nyere atuh..
Pelanggan : (mmh goblok pisan tukang mbe teh),, Ari ieu kambing teh sok diolahragakeun teu??
Tkng kambing : nu mana nu hideung atow nu bodas?
Pelanggan : NU HIDEUNG!!
Tkng kambing : nu hideung mah sok diajak jalan-jalan 2 kilo sapoe
PElanggan : ARI NU BODAS?!?!
TKng kambing : Sarua nu bodas ge sok diajak jalan-jalan 2 kilo sapoe, da babarengan jalan jalana ge..
Pelanggan : Wah, ieu mah ngajak ngesang,, kumaha si akang teh, ari jawabanna sarua mah ulah dibeda-beda atuh.. nu bodas jeung nu hideung ge keneh-keneh kehed.
Tkng kambing : hheeh lain kitu cep! ari nu hideung mah nu urang..
Pelanggan : Ari nu bodas ??
Tkng kambing : sarua nu aing-aing keneh..
Pelanggan : Goblok siah... hiaaaaatttt!!!!

bwt yang udah tau ceritanya,, paksain ketawa aja y.thx

Sunday 13 April 2008

Viva La Blackout

Alhamdullillah sebuah bayi telah lahir dari berbagai kontemplasi dan pemikiran yang berdasarkan kepada bagaimana mencari ilmu dan mengisi perut yang halal...


saat itu gelap gulita, kelam mencekam dan haifa berteriak histeris karena seekor serangga nemplok dipipinya.. setelah berpuluh gelak tawa, berpuluh obrolan dan langkah kaki dalam pencarian kunci yang hilang, akhirnya lahir sebuah ide tanpa nama.
... gimana... kalo... kita...bikin... EVENT ORGANIZER.
suasana saat itu yang remang mengesankan kami sedang merumuskan sesuatu yang bersifat subversif dan berbahaya.
........... akhirnya 5 tangan bertumpuk dan berteriak mantap!..... OIIIII!!
Garut 11-12 April 2008. Hampir tengah malam kita baru tiba di sebuah penginapan di persekitaran lokasi pemandian air panas Garut. kamar dibuka, kamar mandi diisi, kasur ga dbersihin. Setelah beberapa putaran gapleh, obrolan tidak signifikan dan penyiksaan haifa - lagi - , rasa kantuk pun menyerang (menonjok lebih tepatnya).... Off we sleep...
Esok pagi terasa cerah diwarnai pemandangan, bau mulut dan suara bising knalpot moge. Selanjutnya kamar mandi disumbang silih berganti hingga akhirnya melalui renungan closet yang mendalam, tiba-tiba muncul sebuah ide dari sebuah kepala yang terang benderang untuk memberikan nama kepada bayi garis miring ide yang telah lahir tanpa nama tiga hari yang lalu... Berbagai macam nama di usulkan tapi akhirnya sebuah nama bernilai historis tinggi - tanya kenapa - dipilih. ........... akhirnya 5 tangan bertumpuk dan berteriak mantap!..... BLACKOUT!!
secara garis besar blackout dapat digambarkan sebagai sebuah Organisasi yang dilahirkan ketika Mati Lampu dan dikukuhkan ketika belum sarapan.. Kita adalah manifestasi dari sebuah sumpah yang solid, yang disaksikan oleh gedung megah dan seprai ternoda penginapan Nugraxx...
Agenda Event :
- speech contest antar SMU
- Try Out SPMB

YOUTUBE is Back... huahuehuahue